To help disseminate public information provided by Drug Policy Futures.
To only use the name of DFP (Drug Policy Futures) with the agreement of the DPF Executive Board.
To follow abide and forward DFP principles
To inform DPF of any changes in your organization's leadership, name, and structure
To not bring DPF or its name into disrepute
To comply with the membership system
DPF provides a forum for organizations to work together at local and international levels to bring about
sensible drug policy at local and international levels.
DPF facilitates communication among its members and its collaborative activities and engages often in
joint campaigns and initiatives. It assists it is member to participate in a dialogue on this issue on all
related forums and opportunities.
DPF builds its member's capacity to better engage with civil society and government agencies to
promote sensible drug policy
DPF facilitates knowledge distribution and makes experts available to its members as needed.
DPF organizes study and empirical evidence tours of the outcomes of drug policy that were not science-
Principle 1:
Drug policies should be evidence-based and in alignment with the UN drug conventions as they are
applicable today.
Identification of priority objectives should be arrived at, based on evidence-based assessments of which
aspects of drug abuse create the most negative impact on society.
To ensure that regulatory procedures are based on rigorous science and that only safe and effective
medications are made available to patients in need.
To involve government agencies such as health, justice, social affairs, and education agencies,
municipalities, community, and faith-based and civil society organizations and developing safe and
effective drug policy
Principle 2:
To expound, promote, and protect the human rights that are guaranteed by the UN drug conventions
for children, adolescents, mothers, and adults.
This includes the human right for regulatory agencies to provide safe and effective medications that are
based on rigorous science and to prevent consumers from misleading marketing of unsafe and
ineffective drugs touted as medicine.
To reduce drug demand and proliferation by encouraging social economic underserved communities.
To increase public security by encouraging law enforcement to focus on those that control and expand
the illicit drug market at city, county, state, national, and international levels.
Principle 3:
To encourage human rights and health and to reduce the harm of drug abuse to communities through
drug prevention and enlightenment activities, peer education, after-school activities, and effective life
skills education.
Principle 4:
Demarginalized former or convicted abusers through effective drug court programs that reintegrate
them into society as contributing citizens. To develop policies that make crop replacements of illicit drug
crops economically viable for the communities that economically depend on crop production.
Destigmatizing former abusers or drug-related convicts who have successfully reintegrated into society
and lead productive lives by promoting their success.
Encouraging effective drug rehabilitation and recovery programs
Principle 5:
To encourage civil society participation in drug policy formulation. Civil society organizations have a
wealth of knowledge of the harm that drug abuse and proliferation create in communities, the plight of
farmers involved in illicit crop production, and what successful methods exist to resolve these problems
and restore the human rights envisioned by the UN conventions on drugs.
To assist in formulating sensible drug policy.
To strengthen political support for sensible drug policy design and implementation.
To seek mutually benefiting partnerships with civil society organizations and government agencies.
To assist in creating a global network of civil organizations that can support the creating of sensible drug
1. Full in the application form.
2. The assessment committee will review your application.
3. If your organization is rejected you will be informed and what the reason for rejection is and
what the applicant has to do to qualify
Would your organisation like to affiliate with Drug Policy Futures?
Please click here to come to the registration form.